The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture

I checked my counter-proof to the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture from 2008. At that time I sent my proof to one expert who did not read it but claimed that it must be wrong as it contradicts a literature result. I did know that because the problem statement paper, written by Andrew Wiles, has a Theorem on page 4 that says just that. So, I did know that if my proof is correct then this Theorem must be wrong. But the expert trusted Wiles more than me, no wonder actually. However, my calculations were totally elementary and could be checked. I did not find error in them, so the error had to be in the literature, but I decided not to state having solved this problem in the arXiv paper. Now I spent two months checking my calculations and adding lots of new lemmas. It is crystal clear. My calculations are correct. The paper is here

I will submit it to a journal when I hear something of the Riemann Hypothesis proof. That is nine weeks already in the Princeton journal.

After this I still will check my 2008 paper on the Hodge conjecture. It may be also correct. Another expert claimed that it is not the solution but gave no reason. I will study my solution and the conjecture. We will see. Now on pension I finally have some time for checking these. They take lots of calculations to check.

I fully understand that my 2-3 readers cannot be very interested in these topics. I will just rewrite the Hodge paper and after that write something more interesting.

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