Yad Vashem numbers show the same as my earlier calculations

Ron Unz wrote an article of Holocaust denial in the Unz Review and there was a long discussion. These Holocaust official side trolls are really illogical and offensive kind of a bunch of people. I personally am not any Holocaust denier, but the death toll seems to be lower than 6 million. I did a checking calculation from Yad Vashem’s numbers of names of Jews who died in the Holocaust. These numbers fully support my earlier conclusions.

Starting from the Yad Vashem list I made the Auschwitz argument using Yad Vashem numbers. The result is the same as earlier. The upper bound for Jewish deaths in Auschwitz is 400,000.

Deaths      Known names of who died

Poland            3,000,000 1,770,000

Ukraine              600,000 282,000

Russia                165,000   57,750

Lithuania            143,000   64,350

Estonia                    2,000    1,800

Belarus                300,000 105,000

Latvia                    71,500   38,610

Sum                  1,281,500  549,510

Hungary               290,000  208,800

Czechoslovakia    263,000  236,700

Germany               141,500 127,350

Austria                    65,000    64,350

Netherlands           100,000   97,000

France                     77,320   75,774

Greece                     67,000   50,250

Belgium                   28,900   28,033

Italy                           7,680      7,603

Luxemburg                1,950      1,365

Norway                         762         381

Denmark                         60           57

Sum                     1,043,172  897,663

Romania                 410,000   225,000

Yugoslavia               63,300    58,869

Sum                         473,300 283,869

Libya                             600          270

Tunisia                           200          180

Sum                                800          450


Poland          3,000,000 1,770,000

West             1,043,172    897,663

SU of 1946   1,281,500    549,510

Sum              5,324,672   3,217,173

The rest           474,100      284,319

Total             5,798,772   3,501,492

Form this summary we see that in Western Poland could have died only Jews from West Poland and West and 60,000 transported from East-Poland to West. There were 88,000 survivors in West Poland not caught by Nazis according to AJY and 410,000 Jews survived in concentration camps, of them maybe 150,000 Polish Jews. That means West Polish Jewish survivors were about 178,000=88,000+150,000-60,000. Originally there were 1,840,000 Jews in Western Poland, There could have died 1,660,000 Jews of Western Poland.

West Poland   1,660,000

West               1,043,172

SUM               2,703,172

This is the sum of Jews that could have died in concentration camps, labor camps, ghettos, battle in West and Western Poland. Let us sum the official death toll for West and Western Poland.

Extermination camps:

Auschwitz                               1.1M

Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzec  1.45M

Majdanek                                0.06M

Chelmno                                  0.15M

SUM                                         2.760,000


Labor camps and ghettos in Poland 0.167M

Camps in Germany                               0.3M

Theresienstadt                                       0.03M

Invasion, Warsaw ghetto upraising   0.057M

SUM                                                          0.554M

We see now that the number of Jews that could have died in West or Western Poland, 2,703,172, is 611,000 smaller than the number 3.314M who are claimed to have died.

The only explanation is that the death toll for Auschwitz is 600,000 too large and can be at most 500,000 by this calculation. If we take into account that there were 300,000 surviving Polish Jews and almost all were from Western Poland (Jews of Eastern Poland mostly did not return to Poland or to the West), then the upper bound for Auschwitz is 400,000. (In [1] I derive the upper bound 300,000 from a bit different calculation, here I use Yad Vashem numbers.) One simple explanation for this upper bound 400,000 is that the number of Jews in Western Poland has been estimated too high, it was not 1.84M, it was about 1.5M and in Auschwitz died only 60,000 Jews. The Jewish population of Poland in 1939 was according to this 2.75M, not 3.25M. But in [1] I give another explanation: the upper bound for Auschwitz is there calculated as 300,000 and it includes 60,000 registered deaths and 200,000+ Hungarian Jews, who disappeared.

Let us continue to the East. As there could not have died more than 2.7M in West and Western Poland, but Yad Vashem gives the total death excluding Romania, Yugoslavia and Africa as 5.3M, there must be 2.6M deaths in area of the Soviet Union of 1946. But this number is 0.5M too high since the Jewish population in these areas could have been 2.8M in the SU of 1940 and 1.35M in the Eastern Poland occupied by Soviets. Then Germans transported 60,000 to the Western Poland. There remained 4.1M. In 1948 the Soviet Jewish population was 2M. Thus, only 2.1M could have died. We see that Yad Vashem death toll is at least 0.5M too high.

We can have a brief look at Romania. Yad Vashem claims that 410,000 died in Romania and their database has 225,000 names of those who died. AJY 1939-40 overestimates Romania’s Jewish population in 1939 to 0.9 million. According to newer studies Romanian Jewish population in 1939 was 0.6 million. To Displaced Person -camps arrived after 1946 0.123 million Romanian Jews and 0.3 million stayed in Romania, thus 0.177 million Romanian Jews died out of the pre-war 0.6 million. The 600,000 Romanian Jews before the war is only an estimate, thus the death toll can be a bit larger. We can assume it is about 225,000 that Yad Vashem has found. This means that the total death toll of Yad Vashem is 410,000-225,000=185,000 too large.

Reducing the 0.5M from the SU of 1946 and 0.185M from Romania, the total death toll drops from 5,798,772 to 5.48M. Clearly, Yad Vashem has a wrong number. How did they derive the number 5.798,772? It comes from subtracting the Jewish populations of European countries in 1948 from the populations in 1939. This calculation is made in the AJC yearbook 1948-49 and it has the problem that it ignores emigration out of countries occupied by Nazis. The emigration is 909,000.

– 75,000 legal transfer to Palestine 1939-46

– 138,000 legal transfer to Palestine 1946-48

– 110,000 illegal transfer to Palestine, 1939-1946

– 338,000 to Israel 1948-53

– 137,000 to the USA, 1948-53

– 20,000 to Canada and Sout Africa, 1948-53

– the Jewish population of European countries that were not occupied by Nazis grew from 0.389M to 0.48M, that is 91,000.

Subtracting this figure from 5.48M gives 4.57M. A more precise calculation of the death toll gives 4.5M, but 4.57M is not much different.

Thus, Yad Vashem figures support the death toll being about 4.5M. This explains why their database has only 3.5M names with known birth place and why their database in total has only 4.7M names.

Now, what happened to the Hungarian Jews who were taken to Auschwitz, 440,000 of them? Some 110,000 were taken to labor camps. What about the others? Were they killed as they were not fit to work?

I suggest they were taken to the east. I know you intitially oppose this idea since Majdanek and Belzec were liberated by Soviets in August 1944. Treblinka and Sobibor did not work anymore, so why there?

But I ask you to reconsider.

Why Hitler wanted to move Jews anywhere? He collected them from all occupied countries and sent them east, but he was not going to settle them to Eastern Europe. Jews were supposed to be pushed out of Europe. Had he been satisfied with Eastern Europe, Jews would have been settled to Lublin area. The idea that Hitler wanted to move Jews to Madagascar is shown wrong by only thinking that as Jews did not want to go to Madagascar, Hitler would have had to make a prison island, build walls like around Gaza. Then he could never have made a peace with the USA run by Masons and the Jewish Lobby. The exactly only place where Hitler could have wanted to place the Jews was where their leaders wanted them to go, Palestine. Hitler did understand that the leaders did not themselves intend to move to Israel, but European Jews were needed there to found Israel.

Think about this a few times and then ask, what happened to Jews, who passed Operation Reinhardt camps, assuming that they were not all killed. What if they were liquidated, turned to cash: robbed of everything and left to marshlands where Zionists were going to take care of them, putting them for the time being to the protection of Uncle Stalin. This may be possible, assuming that the whole transport of the Jews to the east was a project done for Zionists who helped Hitler to power, and were the real cause of the war, as well as the real cause of the previous war.

Then I ask what would Hitler do with 320,000 Hungarian Jews, whom he is not going to use for work. Kill them? Why to transport them to Auschwitz for that purpose? No, hand them over to Zionists, who would take them to the east to Uncle Stalin’s protection for as long as Israel could take them. What is the straightest way to east? Leave 200,000 to Auschwitz to wait for the Soviets, this is what Eichmann said they did.

I ask you to think about the hair. Germans saved Jewish hair. For what purpose? Not for submarine crew carpets and socks, nor for wigs or jewelry. The only reason I can think for saving hair is that “not a hair from your head will fall on the ground”. That is from the end of the time prophesies, exodus to Israel, and for sure Masons and their creation, Zionists, were messianic. (I angered one commenter in the Unz Review with this hair argument, so few people read the Bible nowadays. Messianic people are messianic, not rational, that you should understand.)

Maybe, those Hungarian Jews were given out to Zionists, who took them to the Soviet Union and there is where the trail gets lost. Or at least, this is one of the possibilities. Of course they may have been killed in Auschwitz. Again, I do not claim anything. This is just one of the possibilities and not one of my strongest arguments.

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